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An Adoption Story- The Bunch Family

When many couples dream of all the adventures they will have when they become "empty nesters" those dreams often include traveling, downsizing their home, retirement, but rarely do they include starting all over raising children. The Bunch's felt called to open their hearts and home to foster children. This lead to the placement of three sweet babies over time and eventually their adoption. These sweet babies are also siblings and have grown into fun loving kids who keep their parents young.

What a special day this was for the Bunch family. You see, this day was exactly 1700 days in the making. If I could give out awards to the families I photograph, I would give this family two awards: 1) 1st Place in Patience and Perseverance and 2) Best wardrobe selection for an adoption hearing ;)

This beautiful family has been working on Gabby's adoption since day 1 when she was born. She has been with them since day 1 and I think her sign is very true. She has stolen their hearts since that day. Through all the ups and downs that come with foster care, the Bunch family faithfully persevered to pursue this adoption and loved her from the start.

And it goes without saying that their shirts were AWESOME! On the front indicated which number Bunch they were and on the back listed the date they became a Bunch. For example, there were birth dates, marriage date, and adoption dates. And the cutest thing of all was that I can't count the number of times Gabby told me "I'm gonna be a Bunch! I'm gonna be a Bunch!" This little girl was one excited Bunch (which you can probably tell from all her BIG smiles and proud pictures with her adoption sign).

On a personal note, I first met Mrs. B when our children were in the same Pre-School class last year. We quickly became friends through the bond that foster/adoptive parents share. We had both adopted and were both currently in the foster process. We traded stories weekly of how our cases were going and rejoiced with each other when progress had been made. God Bless you Bunch Family and Bunch #7!

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